Friday, March 31, 2006

Live life

The world does not revolve around you. The world goes on with or without you. You are insignificant in this vast world. You are however significant to your loved ones and friends. Invest time in them.
Loved ones and friends stick with you through thick and thin. Your billionaire CEO wouldn't flinch if he had to retrench you when times are bad. Don't spend every waking hour working.
There is so much more to life. Be it... admiring clouds, playing Pool, surfing the net, savouring the taste of Iced Mocha in your mouth while people watching, the coolness of the drizzle that brings relief after a heat wave, drinking Bailey's Coke while listening to PVD, writing your personal blog, admiring the beauty of your surroundings and taking pictures, watching an aesthetic movie, collecting Star Wars action figures, reading, travelling the world and experiencing new cultures, learning a new skill or technology, the adrenaline from playing Bball, staring at the stars...
I choose to live life. Will you?

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