Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Dutch for the colour orange. The sky was gorgeous again today when I arrived at my lane. I ran home again to quickly snap new pics. The clouds were originally bluish but slowly turned orange. Wow.
Converted the pic to an oil painting.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


The future is here? I saw these holographic advertisements at Expo and was quite mesmerised by them. There's the Coke ad with a J-Pop singer in it, a can of beer and an open bag of chips.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beauty before the darkness

Rushed home from work to get some sleep before the 2 World Cup matches tonight. Ran home to grab my camera when I saw the beautiful clouds in the setting sky.

Converted to B&W and oil painting.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

NBA Finals 2010

The finals are upon us and what a dream match-up... a chance at redemption. Yes... the Lakers are the defending champions but we didn't get our revenge last year... now we do with this performance. Keep it up guys!!!

Though I cancelled my sports subscription on cable, I will still follow the finals on NBA.com.