Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beijing day 2

Poor April was recovering from food poisoning the day before. Today... she was well enough to venture out. Tiananmen. The National Museum of China still undergoing a face lift.

Tiananmen Square. The Mao Mausoleum was not open because it was New Year's Day. Doh!!!

Tiananmen pano.
Shopping at "The Place". A huge suspended LED screen named the "Skyscreen" forms the centerpiece of this new shopping district.

Lo and behold! What is this? The only official NBA store in Asia :p I could only afford to buy one LA Lakers towel.


Boo! said...

I prefer the uncropped pano to the narrow one. Did you merge a few photos?

nephos said...

Merged 5 pics. I cropped the original pic because I wanted to see how it looks like without the distorted fence.