Friday, February 27, 2009


I always tell Jux not to assume that IT people know what they're doing. In my line of work, I frequently encounter IT staff how are shockingly ignorant about IT concepts. Jux learns a lot from reading my blog and she probably knows more than some IT people I know.
She left her company recently and made sure she wiped her corporate laptop with 3 passes. She got a shock yesterday when her now ex-company's IT employee called her enquiring if there was a problem with her laptop previously. The bugger didn't recognise the error message displayed because there was no longer an OS on the drive. She had to explain to an IT practitioner that she had wiped the drive.
This is not an isolated case. Her husband also wiped his corporate laptop when he left his previous firm. They deducted S$180 from his last pay check because they thought he had thrashed the drive. Lame!!!

1 comment:

The Sleeping Dragon said...

awww..what crap. that's sad. shouldn't they have verified it with him first before deducting his pay? Lame. i agree