Saturday, November 18, 2006

Nite out on the town

Was given free tixs to watch Casino Royale. April couldn't make it so I went with TH instead. The movie? Man... the trend continues as it was another violent movie. Can't complain though, it was free. Btw, Bond drives a Ford!
Walked along Orchard Rd after the movie. Check out this cheesy Xmas tree on the left. Ack! The other one is much better.

Went to HMV to listen to CDs. They had the Creative Xmod on display for customers to try listening to CDs and with the X-Fi technology turned on. Amazing. I now know what I want for Xmas.


Anonymous said...

Yup the Creative Xmod is so good to have. Listening to music or watching a movie through the device is sure to make the sound experience wonderful. : )

Why don't I buy that for your Christmas present and you buy that for mine? haha back to square one. Well, time for me to save up and to wait for the price to drop. Maybe I will get for myself that next year or maybe I should start to hint to my church friends to get that for me for next year birthday present. hehe : )

nephos said...

I'm planning to get my colleagues to buy that for me as a farewell gift when I leave the company ;p