Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A day in town

Attended M$'s Technet Security seminar today. Spent the day out of the office and it was refreshing. It was nice and sunny outside during lunch time. Nice.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Anyone game?

Hey... anyone wants to buy this limited edition Swatch from me? It was released to commemorate Tintin's 75th anniversary and there were only 9,999 pieces made.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Was waiting for the bus with my bird. Guess what we saw? Can you see a condom and wrapper in the pic? This is what we found at the bus stop.

Did you know?

There are currently 827 CISSPs in Singapore. I am one of them! Woah!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Now I know why

Wondered why bus fares went up again? This is probably the reason. We paid for the installation of these surveillance cameras and the staff to monitor the footage. Big brother is watching. Hope we do not become another England, which is currently the world's most watched country.


Beautiful illumination through a huge cloud.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cheesy ads

Cheesy ads are irritating. The Grassland Express ad is one of those. Kym Ng says that sitting in the coach is as good as sleeping in her own bed. I challenge her to take the coach seat home and sleep in it every night.

Nite out on the town

Was given free tixs to watch Casino Royale. April couldn't make it so I went with TH instead. The movie? Man... the trend continues as it was another violent movie. Can't complain though, it was free. Btw, Bond drives a Ford!
Walked along Orchard Rd after the movie. Check out this cheesy Xmas tree on the left. Ack! The other one is much better.

Went to HMV to listen to CDs. They had the Creative Xmod on display for customers to try listening to CDs and with the X-Fi technology turned on. Amazing. I now know what I want for Xmas.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Bloody hilarious

Just remembered this incredibly funny moment during a meeting last year. It was a teleconference amongst my Security peers in the U.S. and Singapore. The meeting was organised to collate the skills and knowledge held by the group as a whole. One area of expertise that management was trying to gather was OS proficiency. Each one of us took turns to list out our familiarity. Win NT, Win 2000, Win XP, Win 2003, RedHat, Solaris, BSD, Mac OS X... the list went on and on. When it was my boss' turn, he declared "Windows 3.1"*. I nearly burst out laughing.

* Windows 3.1 is a legacy M$ OS that I used when I was in polytechnic in 94.


Gorgeous pics of The Sushiman's hometown. Did I mention he's Irish?

"Why don't you have cable?"

I love football and as a result been asked this question countless times. I have decided to provide a canned reply.
"Too stingy. I would have to pay S$100 to get the cable installed in my room. Monthly subscription on top of that. Football used to be aired free for crying out loud. The footballers already own so many houses and cars. Don't need to support them any further. They should pay me to watch them ;p"
Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

The power of the subconscious mind

YF was telling me about his hostel life during his uni days. He shared a room with this very studious and pious guy. That guy used to study in the wee hours of the morning while listening to Christian songs. Y was oblivious to that and just went to bed every night till he realised that he was singing those songs while bathing one morning. He immediately told his room mate about it and his room mate promptly bought a pair of headphones.


I find this claim by M$ laughable considering that I have to patch my OS every month. Those who are thinking of purchasing Vista, do apply all recommended security measures including installing an antivirus software.
Update: M$ has since retracted this claim.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Where are you studying?

I was asked this question by a taxi driver. I told him I was 30 years old and he was flabbergasted. It took some convincing before he believed that I wasn't pulling his leg. Is it really that unbelievable?


April and I had Italian for our anniversary dinner yesterday. We had our food cooked by a guest chef from Sicily and he's supposed to be an award winning chef. The food was ok though... not spectacular. Had Korean today for din together with April's colleagues. Not bad but expensive though. Check out the charcoal grill and raw meat!!! Nice.

Its that time again

Yes... the monsoon season is here again. Christmas is also around the corner. This year really flew by quickly.

Friday, November 10, 2006


I've heard of double-doubles and triple-doubles but this is the first time I was aware of 5x5. This is an incredibly impossible statistic to collect during a basketball game as you have to collect at least 5 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists, 5 steals and 5 blocks in a game!!! How crazy is that? Its amazing that Andrei Kirilenko has had 2 5x5s in his 6 year career. Wow... I'm in awe.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Face off

Its been awhile since I featured a story involving "The Sushiman"*. He was talking about how some Ang Mohs have a very high opinion of themselves and do not display humility.
Here is an incident he encountered recently.
I was in the post office the other day and this American oldish guy was at the top of the queue. He didn't see the LED counter flashing for the next available counter so the woman behind him pointed it out to him. He got all annoyed and started shrieking at the top of his voice what good the counter did anyone. (Apparently there was someone still at the counter that was supposed to be free). I was third in the queue. I got so annoyed with this guy that I shouted to him to "just pay up and do your business". All the other Singaporeans in the queue were surprised. I commented to the lady at the top of the queue that he was giving Ang Mohs a bad name and she smiled. So you see we have our own troubles as individuals just surviving in a foreign city without having stereotypes even though we are all branded by idiots like that guy in the post office.

* Did I mention that TSM is an Ang Moh?

Death Note

Watched "Death Note" in the cinema. It always fascinates me when mangas or comic strips make it to the movies. I would have the say that the story and characters were engaging. The "hero" uses his gift to eliminate criminals but he is not perfect as he kills innocents too. Power does corrupt. I'm looking forward to the sequel.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

New IE, still vulnerable

A new 0-day exploit was discovered... both IE 6 and 7 are vulnerable. Have you switched to an alternative browser yet?

More than meets the eye

Transformers are making a comeback on the big screen. Not an animated version. I would watch it becoz I'm a fan.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Wiki danger

Hackers modified a Wiki entry and changed a link. Visitors who install software provided by the link will have their PCs infected with malware.

Botak Jones

My vendor brought me to "Botak Jones" in AMK for lunch on Fri. I would have to say it's interesting to find an "Ang Moh" who opens an eatery in the heartlands. His food? Not bad at a reasonable price. Check out what I had.

Who said you can't learn anything from watching football?

I learn a lot from watching football. If it weren't for football, I wouldn't know names of countries and which continents they belong to. Take Ivory Coast as an example, I never heard of them till Didier Drogba joined Chelsea. I was rooting for them during the last World Cup... too bad they flopped.
On the topic of Drogba, he's now the hottest property in football. Check this out, I bought this bar of chocs which is a product of Ivory Coast when I was in France. It's endorsed by Drogba and has his signature on the packaging. Cool! Let me tell you, it tastes as good as it looks. Read the newspapers, he even has a beer named after him.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Is this what a cherry tree looks like?

I love cherries but never wondered what a cherry tree looks like till today. My curiosity was peaked by these pics in an email. Anyone knows if they are authentic or a hoax?

Beautiful pics nonetheless.

Anyone going to Europe?

Drank Blak in France. Its a variation of Coca Cola with coffee in it. Anyone going to Europe anytime soon? Please get me a six pack ;p

Thursday, November 02, 2006

So surreal

Was on the train and overheard a poly girl talking over her mobile. Didn't mean to listen in on her conversation but she was talking so loudly. Anyways... she was telling a friend about how upset she is becoz a friend of hers just died this morning from a drug overdose.
It was something so surreal to me becoz I have never been offered drugs or been in close proximity to someone who took them. Does that mean that I have kept good company my whole life or am I socially handicapped?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Went to Far East with Jim and Fenn for kebab the other day. Used to worship the kebab there but realised they are crap after having eaten amazing kebabs in France. I'm missing the kebabs in France!!! The strange thing is that both sets of kebabs are made by Turks. Could it be a proximity or ingredient issue?