Thursday, October 12, 2006


My fitness is deteriorating with every year. Two years ago, I passed my physical fitness test without training for it. Last year my standards dropped and this year it went down yet again. I'm very concerned!!!


Anonymous said...

okie.. no more coke lime for you from now until u pass thru the physical fitness test :p

nephos said...

Alamak!!! I just drank some ;p

Anonymous said...

Learning more about you every time we meet for reservist training. This time 1 of the things I have learnt is that you like to drink coke. Saw you buying coke a few times during this week reservist.

Ok I can train you for your jump. My dream is to jump over 3m one of these days in my life. Well I guess it is too difficult as the best I can so far is 2.75m.

nephos said...

What the ~!@#$%^&*!!! 2.75m??? You're a mutant ah? Wah biang... can I have some of your genes?
Yeah... I developed an addiction for Coke ever since Coke Lime came out into the market. Its one of my many weaknesses.