Monday, January 16, 2006

Pot calling kettle black

The government is always encouraging Singaporeans to think out of the box but they aren't exactly good role models in my opinion. What do I mean you say? Take the prior incident regarding bus passengers who cheat by not paying the correct fare and the recent furor over Singaporean males who default on National Service (NS)... what did the government suggest to tackle both issues? Ohhhh they suggested their standard draconian actions of implementing heavy fines and jail terms... wooooooo so original!!!
Let's zoom in on NS defaulters. What do I suggest? How about finding what's the main reason(s) that prompts them to run away from Singapore to skip NS? Once we find out the rational behind their fear, find ways to encourage them to perform their national and offer incentives instead of punishment. Stop thinking negatively all the time and find positive ways to targeting root causes.

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