Thursday, November 24, 2005

Same old story again

I frequently get into discussion with friends about why its important to secure their home PCs. They often have this mentality that "nobody is interested in my PC" and that's why they can't be bothered. I'm starting to sound like an old record. The "bad guys" are after your home computers because they're easier targets compared to organisations. Their main motivation is $$$ as they stand to earn revenue by using your computer as spamming machines, launchpads to attack others and even rent your comprised machines to other hackers.
Here's an benign example* of how easy it is to trigger an application on your computer without physical access to it. Imagine someone with malicious intent exploiting this already published vulnerability.
Need help? You know where to find me.

*Don't worry, I've tested it personally first before providing the link here.

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