Sunday, September 27, 2009

Count my blessings?

Maybe I should consider myself fortunate that I'm single. I find this extremely disturbing. A good example of women exploiting their status as the fairer sex.


Silver Bullet said...

Ok, when that happens, you don't walk away, you RUN!!! What an idiot for taking such abuse! I'd say grow a pair of balls, but by the looks of it he won't be using that part of his anatomy any time soon :p.

nephos said...

I can relate. When you are in a situation, you sometimes feel that you have to take the abuse... be it verbal, emotional or physical.

The Sleeping Dragon said...

No one should subject him/herself to such an abuse. NO BLOODY ONE! The girl in this case is mental, and the guy needs to stand up for himself.

I don't condone what the bitch is doing, but he is at fault too for letting her get away with such things. Stoopid guy!