Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Computer containing bank customers' personal details was accidentally sold on eBay. Investigations under way to determine how this type of mistake could have been made. Readers... wipe your computer or laptop hard drive before you dispose of them. Use Dban to securely wipe data on your hard drives so that they cannot be recovered. NIST recommends 1 pass... the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) recommends either 3 or 7 passes (depending on the sensitivity of the data)... for the paranoid like me, I use 35 passes*.
Another story hot off the press. Best Western had their network breached. Hacker plants a Trojan Horse and manages to steal 8 million credit card details. Best Western's PR people are hard at work... claiming that only 10 customers were affected by the hack. What fool would believe that hackers would waste their time for 10 credit card numbers?

* Only if you can spare the time to wait for 35 passes to complete.

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