Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Line Saga continues...

Boss: "You didn't make the lines thinner."
Employee: "I did."
Boss: "No, you didn't."
Employee: "Ok, I will change them and forward the graphs to you again."
Boss: "Come into my room and I will show them to you."
Employee: "Its ok. I will change them and send it to you again."
Boss: "Come into my room now."
Employee: *sucks thumb and goes into his room*
Boss: *toggles between old and new graph fanatically* "See? The lines look the same to me."
Employee: "Ok... I will change them and send it to you again."
Boss: "What did you use to create the graphs? They are very ugly."
Employee: "Excel. The graphs have always been created using the same template within Excel."
Boss: "Its not acceptable. Go figure out what other sofware you can use to create nicer graphs."
Employee: "..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a capital F idiot! Unbelievable!