Monday, May 11, 2009

"The One with All the Kissing"

Was watching a rerun of this episode of Friends. There's this scene where Monica and Chandler are secretly sharing a bubble bath when Joey knocks on the door. Monica quickly dives under the water when Joey barges in. He is going out to get fried chicken and asks Chandler if he wants any. Chandler tells him that he doesn't want chicken to get Joey to leave. Monica resurfaces after Joey closes the door. Chandler tells her that Joey was getting chicken and she says that she doesn't mind some chicken. Chandler yells to Joey and Monica goes underwater again.
This made me suddenly crave for fried chicken and I decided to run out immediately to get some from Arnold's Fried Chicken. Friends is "evil". Haha.


Silver Bullet said...

I want!!!!

The Sleeping Dragon said...

mmmm...fried chicken! i remember Arnolds! yummier than KFC!