Phishing is "an attempt to criminally and fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication"*.
My suspicion was peaked this afternoon when I received a link ""** from someone on my MSN contact list. I suspected that person's MSN account was hijacked by malware because:
- The link was sent offline
- The URL ended with ".info"
- That person had not sent me an IM message since 2002
I fired up
LinkScanner Lite to verify the authenticity of the link. It turns out that the link is one that is classified as a Phishing site. Far out!!! This is the first time that a malware has attempted to con me into going to a Phishing site by sending me a link via Windows Live Messenger.
People... you are warned yet again! Watch what you click or download.
* Definition extracted from Wikipedia.
** DO NOT visit the site you fool!!!
Yes, i got this too.
After it, i changed my MSN passwd. I don't know, it's enough or not.
What may happen?
If you use the same password for other accounts, it would definitely be wise to change your other passwords as well! Permanently refrain from using that compromised password.
We're human... there is a tendency to reuse account names and passwords. That's what the bad guys are counting on.
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