Thursday, November 08, 2007


I'm extremely troubled! It's a public holiday and a friend of mine, who has a husband and daughter, is working instead of spending time with them. I told her to go spend time with them and put down her work but she replied that she can't.
I am very disturbed by her response... really. Yes yes yes... I know we all need $ to survive but it's a no brainer isn't it? I thought that it was straight forward that spending time with your loved ones is more important and rewarding than work. I don't know... I really don't understand Singaporeans even though I'm one. They are practically slaves to their work and don't know how to live life. Life isn't work people!!! I don't know how many times I have to stress this.
I feel depressed.


Anonymous said...

sometimes, i do think that work is more rewarding than spending time with the loved ones. sure, the family is important. but work recognize me as an individual and gives me a sense of satisfaction in a different way.

nephos said...

It is nice to get personal satisfaction and recognition. But there must be a balance too. What I'm trying to stress is that I think you shouldn't obsess about work and have personal time to do whatever you want to do... be it time for yourself or your family and friends.

Anonymous said...

i've been struggling with striking a balance especially in the recent years. I used to spend a hell of time at work just coz there's so much to do and in my industry, it's having to deal with crazy deadlines & clients. It means having to work over the weekends, public holidays and burn the midnight oil till 3-4 am on a daily basis just to get the work out. It's hard to believe, but it's true - typial of the industry where pressures are extreme. But partly, it sorta became an excuse when my life felt empty at one point with nothing to look forward to and work just took over -- somehow it became the "norm".
But seriously, there's more to life than slaving your ass off. As much as I can, I try (very hard!)not to work beyond my working hours nowadays. I realize the importance of spending time OUTSIDE work, be it for myself, loved ones and friends. Work is not everything and time outside work is very sacred to me. I don't want to grow old in the office without knowing the life beyond my work. It's not healthy and granted, family and friends do deserve some of your time too. Not working late or over the weekends/public holidays (under normal circumstances) does not mean you can't do great work or make you any less of an employee. Only under extenuating circumstances would I consider putting in the hours on a public holidays/weekends (RELUCTANTLY!); otherwise, public holidays are my entitlements and I jolly well deserve to take the break!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how Singaporeans can really work... madly at work... Whenever I'm back in Singapore, some of my friends are siao working till late night... How do you stay focused if you work such long hours and how productive it would be? I've not worked in Singapore for long even I'm one Singaporean, but I always try to switch off whenever I can esp. the weekends. Work-life balance is like a sin... in SIN... hehe...

nephos said...

It is disturbing. I've been working for years but the occasions where I've performed OT is the occasional once in a blue moon frequency. Don't they get sick of work? Even if I'm not spending time with my gf or friends... I would prefer doing something mind numbing like watching TV or playing computer games versus writing a report anytime. You know what? I think it's just an excuse... the being busy thing or an escape from their mundane life.