Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Turn off the lights

I'm planning to participate in Earth Hour. Its as simple as keeping the lights off for an hour this Saturday from 8.30-9.30pm. Do your part and make a statement for the environment. Our Earth is worth saving.


Boo! said...

i hope you step up after earth hour. better if you are doing something about it now too!

The Sleeping Dragon said...

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Why do it only for one day, one hour? Worth to do it for a couple of hours whwnever we can. save the earth! :)

nephos said...

I've done other things... like no longer using plastic bags. I either use my hand to carry individual items or a grocery bag for multiple purchases.

The Sleeping Dragon said...

excellent!!! makes my day when I hear people say that. i'm pro carrying your own bags too. have been doing it for a while now when we do our groceries and proud of it! if only more people would do it.

nephos said...

One of my lunch kaki finds me strange because I hand carry my groceries. She gives me a "you're a weirdo" look when I tell her I'm doing my part for "Mother Earth". She then stated that she can take more plastic bags on my behalf *sigh*

The Sleeping Dragon said...

wah lau! more plastic bag on your behalf? for what? to put it over her head so she can suffocate? :p
some people ahh..i tell u.

nephos said...

Hai. There will be those who don't care so it's up to us to make the difference.

Boo! said...

but we all cant deny that we got to use some of those plastic bags for dumping rubbish and all that. I have my eco bags, but I will still take a few when "supplies" are running low.

saving earth is not just abt plastic bags, we can recycle and reuse too. hardly anyone i know recycles

nephos said...

Chicken and egg issue. Should there be more recycle bins before people start recycling or should more people have the habit to recycle first before having more bins? Who is going to foot the bill for more bins and the cost of transporting all the collected items? *sigh*

Boo! said...

a lot of people are handed those recycling bags, they just need to dump whatever that can be recycled into the bags and place it outside their homes. simple.

i walk to the recycling bins about twice a week. it is about getting the habit into your routine, getting into the habit of separating your rubbish.

nephos said...

Hot topic. Woohoo!!! Wish more people were engaged regarding global warming.